Automated Storage vs. Manual Storage - Which is More Compact and Safe?

September 28, 2021

As the world becomes more advanced technologically, businesses are seeking ways to enhance productivity and efficiency. One way businesses can achieve their objectives is through industrial automation. Automated storage, in particular, has become increasingly popular as it offers numerous benefits. One significant benefit is increased safety, which is a top priority in any industrial setting. In this blog, we will examine automated storage versus manual storage with a focus on safety and compactness.

What is Automated Storage?

Automated storage is a system that uses machines, computers, and software to perform storage functions, including retrieval, sorting, and organizing. It mainly comprises automated guided vehicles (AGVs) or automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) that move goods to and fro from storage units without human intervention.

What is Manual Storage?

Manual storage, on the other hand, involves human labor in the process of sorting, organizing, and retrieving goods. In manual storage, workers are responsible for moving goods from one place to another. This kind of storage is common in small scale industries, retail businesses, and warehouses.


In terms of compactness, automated storage systems are more compact than manual systems. Automated systems do not require as much space as manual systems, making them ideal for businesses that want to maximize their storage space. Automated systems can store goods in compact units, reducing the overall space needed for storage.


Safety is always a top priority in industrial storage systems. Automated storage is generally safer than manual storage systems because it is highly automated and does not require human intervention. AGVs and ASRS ensure that goods are handled safely and securely during storage and retrieval. This significantly reduces the risk of accidents, damage to goods, and injury to employees.


The initial cost of setting up an automated storage system can be higher than that of manual storage. However, over time, the cost of maintenance and operation of automated systems can be lower than that of manual systems. Manual systems require ongoing labor to organize and retrieve goods, which can be expensive in the long run. Automated systems require less labor, leading to long-term cost savings.


Automated storage systems are more compact and safer than manual systems. They are highly efficient, reducing the time required for storage and retrieval of goods. Although the initial cost of setting up automated storage is higher, they provide long-term cost savings due to lower maintenance and labor costs.

If you are looking to increase your business's productivity and efficiency, automated storage could be an excellent investment. However, it is essential to consider your budget, storage needs, and workforce when deciding which storage system to choose.


  • Malakooti, B. (2013). Operations and production systems with multiple objectives. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Karlsson, S., and van de Rakt, B. (2012). An overview and analysis of research in the field of automated storage and retrieval systems. International Journal of Production Research, 50(1), 188-203.

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